Friday, July 18, 2008

The Millennium of the Medical Intuitive

As we move into the new millennium, the face of health and healing are taking on a whole new look. With it, a new paradigm in the assessment of health is making its way to the forefront, its tool: Medical Intuition. As the name states, Medical Intuition is a science, where the practitioner, using a highly developed sense of intuition, "looks" into the body, evaluating it on energetic levels. According to Medical Intuitives, we, as humans, are more than just a physical body. Instead, we are made up of a vast array of interconnecting energies and energetic fields, with physical diseases appearing as an external manifestation of disturbances to these energetic fields. A Medical Intuitive's job is to detect these disturbances. A Medical Intuition evaluation can provide invaluable information as to issues of the physical body, but can also identify mental and emotional factors that act as direct contributors to health issues. They can also identify potential physical conditions before they reach a dysfunctional state. Medical Intuitives do not diagnose disease. Instead of labeling a disorder, a Medical Intuitive can identify the location of inflammation in the body, evaluate the health of a gland or organ or validate a strong emotion that is impacting health. Many times, a Medical Intuitive can identify imbalances within the body long before it fully manifests as disease. It is as if a Medical Intuitive can let you know that you are driving around on bald tires before you find yourself sitting on the side of the road with a flat. Medical Intuition is a complex blending of both modern science and esoteric religion, both of which provide a vocabulary and conceptual framework from which a medical intuitive works. These concepts help the practitioner explain and clarify what is being seen, felt or experienced on energetic levels. A solid understanding of the form and function of the physical and energetic bodies is also critical to this work. Without this framework, which quantifies what is being experienced, the information gathered by the medical intuitive would make no sense to both layman and practitioner alike. There are three ways a medical intuitive can access information: clairvoyantly, clairasentiently, clairaudiently.
Most medical intuitives receive information utilizing all of these intuitive abilities. Clairvoyance refers to the ability to the ability to "see" pictures in your mind's eye, in this case the inner workings of the body, an image of a situation or an emotion that is currently being processed. They are able to see our life force energy, or chi' as it flows through the body and are able to detect where this energy has stagnated or become blocked. Clairsentience refers to the ability to "feel" energy or emotions in the body. Medical intuitives who use this ability will typically scan the body using their hands, seeking out changes in temperature, energy vibrations or fluctuations in the density of the aura or body. Clairaudience refers to the ability to hear information intuitively. These individuals ask spirit, their higher self, God or the universe for specific insights. Health information is presented to them in the form of a few words, a sentence or even an in depth conversation. As a Shaman, Channeler, Healer and practicing Medical Intuitive, I have spent over 15 years working with clients on these levels.
It never ceases to amaze me the depth and breadth that this skill has to offer. By far, the majority of the clients I see with health or energetic concerns share one thing in common - an emotional trigger.
Science is now starting to recognize the impact of emotions on health, but the implications go deeper than the effects of stress on blood pressure.

A Medical Intuitive can provide in-depth insights into the emotional triggers that give rise to a condition of disharmony in the energetic system, thus creating a state of disease in the physical body. Let me give you a few examples.
A few years back, I had a client who came to me for an evaluation. When he sat down I noticed that he was not balance in the 4th charka, and had a heavyness in the heart area.
I ask him if he had recently had a loss or relationship ended. He confirmed he had just ended a marraiage of 25 years, and was very sad over the situation.
After working on the heart charka, he experienced great relief, and agreed to get further help from a counselor.

I also worked with a woman who had recently lost her husband.

She was still grieving and was not eating correctly which I could see was causing some stomach problems.
During a session with her I contacted her husband which brought quick relief to her emotional state, she agreed to start eating correctly, and see a grief counselor.

I had another client who sat down for an evaluation.

As I started to scan her body, I noticed that her spine was twisted and contorted. I asked her if she had scoliosis where her spine, instead of twisting in the traditional S-type pattern, instead twisted on its axis. She confirmed my observation.
To attain health, balance must be achieved not only within the physical body, but also with our thoughts and emotions. It is only with an understanding of where our energy has deviated from a state of health, along with the strength and determination to work through unresolved issues, that true healing will ever be achieved.
Disclaimer: Medical intuitives are not medical doctors. This means that they are not allowed, by law, to diagnose, treat, alleviate, mitigate, prevent or care for any disease of any kind, in anyway.

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